PUBLIC PERCEPTION: MY ART: THE GARDEN The Media is responsible for the perception of the place and for narrowing the definition of my art work to garden, gardening and the display of plants.
The name Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden came into use when Dennis Reeves Cooper of Key West the Newspaper used it as a descriptive term. It is also known as Key West's Exotic Tropical Botanical Garden. It is listed under Tourist Attractions as Key West's Rainforest! It is Internationally famous for its beauty, shade palms, aroids, ferns and its rare and endangered plants, its parrots. Charles Kuralt America states "..... you can easily get lost in the beauty of the place...." Journalist Mark Caputo wrote, "It's Jurassic Park sans dinosaurs." While the media continues to focus on a display of beautiful plants and animals for the amusement of tourists, my vision has a higher purpose.
MY INTENSION MY ART: A VISIONARY ENVIRONMENT My wish is for humanity to restore balance to the natural world. I want others learn from nature and to open their hearts to feel the love I have for all life forms. I work passionately to save the last undeveloped wooded acre of open land in the heart of "old town" Key West to help life on Earth and to provide environmental education to the public. Each of us can bring innovative action to our lifestyle to be harmonious with nature
As an eco artist, I engage the public with a complex mix of contemporary artistic disciplines, site specific art, Gardens of Revelation, fusion of art and life, and acting. I have created a powerful evocative spectacle on an important site to activate the place. The precious land, its very topography, is not the setting for the work but part of the work. The financial tension of high density development surrounding this last open space is extreme!” Extinction looms for the last wooded undeveloped acre in the heart of "old town" Key West. Funds are needed now to save this precious land and its myriad life forms. The human fiduciary response to this environmental need is the most important component of my art.