Artists are the shamens of the post-modern world and there is only one thing for them to do, the natural world." Joseph Campbell Power of the Myth
My art is inspired by science, by natural patterns, by all sentient beings whether beautiful, mundane, mysterious or scary and the wonderful complexity and interdependency of Earths living systems.
My environmental teaching is impassioned by my desire to protect life on earth and keep the world as natural and wild as possible. Nancy Forrester NANCY FORRESTER'S SECRET GARDEN
My philosophy is to keep Earth green and cool, protect its natural patterns and myriad life forms. I live simply, and practice reduce, reuse, recycle, share living space with others in my home, a small two story historic conch house modernized only to comply with safety regulations.
My spiritual practice is founded in Earth’s life-force. I am nature and nature is me. I have a moral obligation to protect the natural world. My good conduct towards the earth is the measure of my self worth. Patriarchies have designated sacred places on Earth. They are typically monumental natural formations, the highest mountain, the deepest canyon, the largest waterfall. Small places on Earth are power points too. In 1969, when I first stood on this “little piece of dirt” as the developers describe it, I felt a supernatural energy coming from the ground. I vowed I would never impede its flow with as much as a brick. The word “Sacred” comes to mind. My chosen one acre microcosm is of great magnitude to the macrocosm.
My art can be an object or an experience. In 1993. I put down my canvas, brushes and paint in search of a better medium in which to save the land under my domain. Being certain of the land’s value to Earth and to mankind, and being inspired by new art forms, I blended mediums. Conceptual art, fusion of art and life, performance and site specific installation are just a few disciplines that give form and meaning to my work. I opened a Visionary Environment to the public known as Nancy Forrester’ s Secret Garden with the hopes of gaining a large audience, teaching love and understanding of this natural resource which offers sanctuary, inspiration, food, medicine, oxygen, thermal cooling and even burial.
My money is gone. Still it is rumored I am rich. It is also rumored I am an egotistical hobbyist. The truth is I have borrowed three times during the last 15 years, pulling the equity of out of this land in order to keep the garden alive and teach the ethics of environmentalism. Now the banks are not offering me refinancing.
My feminine wisdom comes from observing patterns in nature. I studied painting from 1956-1960 at the College of Architecture and Design at the University of Michigan, the modus operandi was Abstract Expressionism. Higher learning was devoid of female instructors and artists. Instructor Frede Vidar offered this critique: “Your work is too feminine, your brush strokes too delicate, your color too soft. Redo the project! Emulate artists who paint with force and power. Never sign your first name on a canvas! Hide your gender; otherwise you will not get into exhibits.” I redid my assignment copying Frans Kline’s black and white slashes. I got A’s. That was the last time I compromised my art. Now with human extinction on the fast lane, my wisdom obliges me to engage everyone especially the patriarchy to support and take fiscal action to save the garden from development.
At 71, my life’s environmental work, a beautiful tropical garden adorned with endangered plants and animals, a sanctuary for rescued parrots, an eco-arts residency program and my contribution to the quality of life and tourism in Key West could disappear. I must ask you for fiscal help. I face personal collapse. There is not much time left. I endorse Mana Project’s capital campaign ( acquire the property and make the transition from private to public garden for future generations. This allows me to continue my work here. Please become a Member, Sponsor a Parrot, or make a General Donation.
Please contact me 305-294-0015