my visionary environment's Environmental artistic disciplines
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“As an artist I have a job to do. My handmade environment expresses my personal moral vision. I am obliged to educate and activate others. All of us are nature and nature is us. When we harm nature, we harm ourselves and our ability to sustain ourselves on the planet. Everyone must protect and restore the natural world if we are to survive.”
My work is of value when people take time to look past beauty and experience the sense of place and what it means to lose it, and move from passive observer to activist: When they inhabit the world the way I inhabit this garden.”
Volunteer Jesper Roos at age 9 put it succinctly “Nancy’s garden is a giant lung - it provides fresh air for all of Key West”.
Nancy Forrester’s Secret Garden, One Free School Lane, (off the 500 block Simonton Street) Key West, Florida 33040 Open 10-5 Daily Admission $10 all ages www.nfsgarden.com nancy_forrester@yahoo.com 305-294-0015