I am a Cuban Tree Frog. Do you know frog populations have declined dramatically since threatened with extinction and more than 120 species are suspected to be extinct since the 1980s. Many environmental scientists believe that amphibians, including frogs, are excellent biological indicators of broader ecosystem health because of their intermediate position in food webs, permeable skins, and typically biphasic life (aquatic larvae and terrestrial adults).
Welcome to my home! I live in the heart of historic Key West, Florida in a tiny jewel called Nancy Forrester’s Secret Garden. I hide in a small orchid garden within an collection of orchids, bromeliads, aroids, cycads, ferns and bananas. The most ardent plant lovers find this tiny garden gratifying, spiritually uplifting and visually gorgeous.
Nancy Forrester’s Secret Garden, 518 Elizabeth Street Key West, Florida 33040 Open 10-5 Daily Admission $10 all ages www.nancyforrester.com nancy_forrester@yahoo.com 305-294-0015 FACEBOOK TWITTER