I was born in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania beside the Susquehanna River on July 29, 1938. As a youth I played in a beautiful region scarred by early indiscriminate logging and strip mining. I lived on a farm with my parents and grandparents called Orchard Hill located in Bald Eagle Valley in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania. My earliest recollection and puzzlement as a child was not being allowed to go near or swim in the shallow gentle water of the wide River that so magnificently defined the area.
" Medicine Cat "Billie Joshie"
"The water is unsafe" my mother said. "It is because the banks of the river are leaking raw sewage from the town and the closed coal mines upstream are flooded and leaching acids into the river" I was warned about pollution undetectable to the eye and descriptions of microscopic toxins were a strange wonderment to me as a small child. I peered into a barren watery landscape, too perfectly crystal clear looking for signs of life, water plants and strider's, turtles, beetles, and snails. They were non existent!
In my back yard I looked for diminished quail, pheasant, wood ducks, red fox, it was easier to find lichen, arrow heads, fossilized shells, than the once abundant trailing arbutus, and ground orchids. I became gravely aware of endangered plants and animals in the sparse felled woods, abandoned fields, in the atrophic green algae blooms in nearby Fishing Creek from fertilizer and farm runoff. I learned at an early age the importance of healthy BIOS-systems and to respect and protect the invisible and the visible and much maligned bats, skunks, possums, snakes and spiders.
My grandparents on both sides of the family had farms with live stock, and vegetable and flower gardens. My mother was a zoologist with a passionate interest in birds and American shells and the microscopic. My father was an outdoors man and naturalist. My family spent a lot of time outdoors observing and teaching. We explored flora and fauna in the Pennsylvania woods, meadows, creeks and river and in the early 50's the Florida Keys, islands, hammocks and flats and reefs of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. I attended 7th and 8th grade in a one room school house in Marathon, Fl.
I loved my principle and teacher Mr. Guthrie. He focused lessons on the surrounding natural world. He took us on field trips to Miami to visit The Parrot Jungle, the Hass Serpenterium, and the Monkey Jungle. I attended summer school at Penn State University taking art history and painting classes from famed art teacher Hobson Pitman on loan each summer from the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. I graduated from the School of Architecture and Design in 1961, with a B.S. in Design from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
I majored in painting at a time when abstract expressionism was being taught and all my instructors were male. I minored in ceramics. After graduation I moved to in New York City where I lived on the lower east side with fellow artists and sold my work in several Greenwich Village Art Galleries. Wildlife artist George L. Schelling and I opened an art gallery in Clinton, N.J. In the late 60's.
My paintings are of lessor known plants and animals and communities of small organisms. I am interested in reoccurring patterns in nature. I won the National Academy of Design Purchase award in late sixties for the Henry Ward Ranger Fund for 24 x 30 watercolor "Black Organic Form" I moved to Key West, Florida in 1969 where I remain today I opened an art gallery of Botanical and Zoological Paintings in 1975 which continues to this day. I show antique and contemporary environmental art.
I have been a mentor to creative people for 35 years. By sharing my lifestyle, my philosophy, my art, my home, my guest cottage studio and garden with creative people, visionary thinkers, and naturalists. I have sought to elevate the role of artists in society especially environment artists and activate humans to save what is left of the natural world.
I won the National Academy of Design Purchase award in late sixties for the Henry Ward Ranger Fund for 24 x 30 watercolor "Black Organic Form" I moved to Key West, Florida in 1969 where I remains today. I opened an art gallery of Botanical and Zoological Paintings in 1975 which continues to this day. I display antique and contemporary environmental art. `
I am the Creator and Presently the President of Mana Project 501(c)(3) Mana is a Polynesian word meaning positive creative force. Mana's mission is to preserve my environmental legacy a piece of Land Art known as Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden for the benefit of the earth, the arts, and the artist. To serve the community and visiting public as a site dedicated to environmental ethics and educational in order to create environmental activists.
I currently live and work at my home/studio in Key West, Florida. I am presently working on two books Beauty with a Purpose, and Garden Games and Extinction Jokes based on my performance and interaction with the public in Nancy Forrester Secret Garden for a decade.